
What is a vocoder
What is a vocoder

what is a vocoder

You can understand the design concept is for both input and control to be real-time and simultaneous in order to successfully ‘marry’ each syllable to a key-on event. You want to playback the source from a pre-recorded track and have the note-on data (that will supply the pitch input) also playback from another pre-recorded track. Running the sound through the band pass filters that are extracting the vocal formants. the Vocoder is designed to take real-time input from the microphone or from a MONTAGE Part’s Output as the Source and it applies the pitch input from the keys being pressed. What’s in play here is you want to work the Vocoder feature from the *opposite direction*. here’s how and here’s what to look out for.

what is a vocoder

Is it possible to set things up like this? If so, how? I want to set things up so that the audio track is used as the Modulator input to the Montage Vocoder effect, and the MIDI track controls the pitch of the sound. I also have a MIDI track with the notes I want in the song.

what is a vocoder

In Cubase, I have recorded an audio track of me speaking into the microphone. I am working on a song that requires the use of a vocoder.

What is a vocoder