Verstecke Kommentare mit niedrigen Bewertungen, F. First, play with a friend, when the game starts DONT KILL ANY MAJINI YET!!! You then run up to them and use your melee attack. Fail, if you don't know! My problems with Mercenaries is keeping a combo chain going and finding enemies to kill. You have to use Midnight Weker's handgun, and shoot the Majinis in the head to stun them. Mercenaries Guide by Berserker v.1.4 | 2009 | 716KB Mercenaries Guide (X360) by Absolute Steve v.1.10 | 2009 | 102KB. Resident Evil 5 - Mercenaries Reunion Guide Hey, you know I always keep my promises. The best way to high scores is to play as Midnight Wesker.

Resident Evil 5 - Komplettlösung Schätze, Embleme, Freischaltbares, Waffen Tipps & Lösung von Björn Balg, Redakteur Beat the game once.

Ein regelmäßiger Besuch lohnt sich also auch für Profis. It also includes a No Mercy mode (named Unlimited Mode in the Japanese version) which is based on the original, previously PC exclusive mode of the same name, which is featured in the norm… Item Information 5. Each character had unique weapons sets, abilities and melee attacks that could be used to battle against the various enemies and bosses in each stage. Doch schon hinter der nächsten Ecke könnte eine Horde an Gegnern lauern, die Euch auf die brutalsten Weisen unter die Erde bringen will. You can write and submit your own guide for this game … Resident Evil 5 _ A-rank Mercenaries Tips/mini-F.A.Q. ?any help on this or any good strategy for level 4-5-6-7-8.thanks a lot for everything guys i'll post also tips soon for every stage:). The number of time crystals is different on each map, and each replenishes the timer by between 30 and 1:30 seconds. bietet Tests, News, Tipps, Lösungen, Videos zu Spielen für PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch und weiteren Plattformen. Aber genug der schonenden Worte, denn es wird nun Zeit für Euch, Afrika vor der bisher schlimmsten Bedrohung zu befreien. Gerade noch stapft Ihr zwischen den Häusern eines afrikanischen Dorfes entlang und alles erscheint ruhig.

This is why all the highest people on the leader boards use Midnight Wesker. Resident Evil 4 HD (PS4) Mercenaries Leon 5 Stars ALL STAGES. Best if you have a friend to play with you so it's not difficult, get that sand when you it goes to 50 secend or less or more or choose what you want.