Hi, Fling is it possible to add something like all magic cheat or magic-modifier? It would be great if you can somehow add this. Hi FLING if you have some free time please update the trainer that it sets the magic to draw for NUM 3 Because in this game it affects how strong our stats are in the game using magic drawn from enemies. Obtain All Cards: Obtain the maximum amount of cards, excluding rare cards. Obtain All Special Skills: Learn all special skills. Magic MAX: Max out obtainable magic stock. Obtain All Abilities: Learn all obtainable G. Obtain All Items: Obtain all items, excluding some items. Is it possible if you can also add all Triple Triad Cards? I know the game itself has it, but it excludes the rare ones. Hello can you set the turbo to of the G-Force? Thank you and thank you for all the trainers you have created. It is much better because the max value is where characters can equip the magic to their status and attributes to augment their base stats. You mean setting the magic you drew to 99? The ones that are added later will overwrite the ones earlier.What language are you playing with? Try setting the game to English and see if it works. If you have mods, that replace some of the same files. The idea is the files with data you want to replace should go first and the holds true for all the mods you add as well. Sorry about that I changed the order of merge to accept multiple mods. Final Fantasy VIII Gets AI-Enhanced HD Texture Pack Quote from: ytaloxd on I managed to get the mod installed but i don't see nothing changed,the Hud is not blue and i don't have the Gunblade icon,can anyone help? I managed to get working with ZZZ 1.

Divatox Cool newbie Posts: 86 Karma: WOW this is beautiful!!! Relyn Fast newbie Posts: 7 Karma: 0. Mcindus or anybody else can you help me? I used google translator. Quote from: Darziak on I can port texts, but I do not know how to change the width of characters in the font. I am only upset that I wasn't your first patron! IFireflyl Fast newbie Posts: 23 Karma: 3. Your file also helped me realise how I was packing the files wrong. Looks great, I swapped out the menu gradient to your Blue and my border.

Let me know if you find any bugs! Darziak Fast newbie Posts: 12 Karma: 4. Target, Miss, Battle Numbers, Renzokuken indicators, etc. Did you miss your activation email? Home Help Search Login Register.